

The HotSpot application turns a smartphone into a hotspot router

Hrvatski Telekom

The HotSpot application turns a smartphone into a hotspot router. It's an asset to anyone who wants to use his or her internet connection to connect to different devices and then use those devices to do work. The application provides the user with a control center from which he can then set a name and security setting for the internet connection. The application can also help the person find a Wi-fi spot in the local area. It takes less than five minutes to install and can provide a user with a myriad of features to help improve that person's quality of life.

The HotSpot application is an app that has been on the market for a lengthy amount of time, specifically since the middle of 2016. More than 3,000 people have used the application and left their opinions about how it worked. The overall rating for the software is four stars, which is way above average. Smartphone users can download the program today if they have a least 2.69 MB of space on their phones as well as Android 2.1 or something newer than that. New users can take advantages of its many features within minutes of downloading the app.

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