Music Choice

Music Choice

Music Choice offers curated streaming music channels and videos

Music Choice

Music Choice offers curated streaming music channels and videos.

This Android application allows users to listen to commercial-free music channels on the go. Each channel is comprised of music that's hand-selected by real people. Listeners will find a large collection of songs that fit with their preferred genre and style. Selections from popular artists are mixed in with newer acts so that listeners can always discover new music to enjoy.

The Music Choice service is available for free through an expanding list of television providers. Instead of setting for annoying commercials, users can enjoy uninterrupted jams whenever they please. In addition to the growing list of music channels, the application can provide on-demand streaming access to music videos from some of the industry's most popular artists.

Navigating the application is a breeze thanks to the sleek user interface. Audio channels are separated by genre for convenience. The main page of the application also features quick links to popular channels, trending music, new music videos, and artist pages. There's also a handy search function to find channels and music videos that feature a particular artist. When a song is playing, users will see album artwork, artist information, and much more.

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