WiFi Map

WiFi Map

Wifi Map Pro provides smartphones with wireless Internet access everywhere

WiFi Map LLC

Wifi Map Pro provides smartphones with wireless Internet access everywhere. When all wireless Internet hotspots on planet Earth are considered that are available to Wifi Map Pro, you can see untethered access to the world wide web through more than 100 million sources across the globe.

Many source of Internet are blocked by passwords, typically making them unable to be accessed by people not authorized to use them. Users of Wifi Map Pro that take advantage of these wireless networks are not at all hacking, as people who have been given wireless Internet network passwords for locked networks in the past have chosen to share them with people across the globe, making Internet access available to everyone - exactly how it should be.

When multiple wifi hubs are available for use, Wifi Map Pro runs free network scans to make sure they are safe to use, as well as offering cost-free speed tests that give you the ability to log on to the fastest Internet network nearest you.

To best make use of the wireless Internet interfaces the world has to offer, Wifi Map Pro has a seamless feature that makes it easy to share Internet passcodes through social media.

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